NPV ONE Clients (confidential!)

Each client had a profound impact on the functionality of NPV ONE. We have learned from our clients and developed something which they want together with them

Number Company Category Description
1 First Quantum Minerals Mid Tier Company Multi-national company using NPV ONE for feasibility and sensitivity analysis of complex Base Metal projects. Used NPV ONE for the validation of their existing feasibility calculations for the acquisition of a Copper project in Argentina (350 Mill investment).
2 Oceanagold Mid Tier, Gold Producer Created a customized version of NPV ONE for various complex project evaluations for M&A, creating about 250 financial models. Benefitted from NPV ONE's cloud-based setup for collaboration across 4 competency centers. Saved tens of thousands of dollars while improving accuracy, transparency, communication, and ease of use for M&A projects.
3 Millennium Minerals Mid Tier, Gold Producer Used NPV ONE for their corporate budget validation process.
4 Murray Zircon Mid Tier, Mineral Sands Mining Company Privately owned producer and explorer. First Mineral Sands client, used NPV ONE for PFS on the Mindarie Project.
5 Tawana Resources Iron Ore, Scoping Level Used NPV ONE to check feasibility status throughout project development on various projects, ASX announcement based on NPV ONE.
6 Kogi Iron Iron Ore, PFS Level Used NPV ONE from Scoping Study to Pre-Feasibility Study. Created feasibility reports for various alternative iron smelting technologies using NPV ONE for comparison.
7 Baobab Resources PFS, Pig Iron and FerroVanadium Project Used NPV ONE successfully for funding of their PFS with banks & investors, including a comprehensive review by Standard Chartered Bank in London.
8 Equatorial Explorer, Scoping to PFS Level Intensive analysis of their Magnetite project in DRC, created about 50 models, leading to the decision to withdraw from the project.
9 Iron Bull Explorer, Desktop Level Used NPV ONE for high-level analysis of various mineral resource projects, often in a "board room" scenario with live model creation.
10 Lipari Diamond Company First Diamond client and first Brazilian client, close to construction stage.
11 Magellan Minerals Canadian PFS Level Project Successfully implemented the Brazilian Tax in NPV ONE, which was a major challenge, carried out in cooperation with a Brazilian tax lawyer. A number of models were created to simulate various cost improvement strategies with comparison.
12 Ausenco Vancouver Engineering Company Used NPV ONE on the Magellan gold project. This was the first contract situation where the engineering company was the direct client, but the mining company was invoiced. Essentially, Ausenco sold NPV ONE to Magellan.
13 Goldphyre Resources Scoping Study, ASX Announcement Based on NPV ONE Used NPV ONE from a very early stage and announced a scoping study. First Potash client. Changed name to Australian Potash, now close to production.
14 Monax Mining Project Acquisition Used NPV ONE for high-level project analysis based on benchmarking data, at a very early stage.
15 Genmin Limited Iron Ore Project in Gabon Using NPV ONE for initial project scenario analysis with the aim to move towards listing and PFS. A large number of models were created with different project implementation scenarios.
16 Australian Potash Scoping to PFS, ASX Announcement Based on NPV ONE Used NPV ONE from desktop to project development. During early stages, NPV ONE was utilized for benchmarking exercises leveraging its project comparison strengths.
17 Breaker Resources PFS PFS-level analysis.
18 Primary Gold PFS Created numerous models for their PFS, later taken over.
19 New Century Mines PFS Intended to use NPV ONE for reporting to Glencore; project is currently on hold.
20 Explaurum PFS, BFS, Gold Project First client to buy NPV ONE and NPV BANK for their BFS.
21 Essential Metals Scoping Study First Lithium project, marking the creation of the new product category "Industrial Minerals."
22 Impact Minerals PFS and Bankable Study Purchased NPV ONE and NPV BANK; currently working on input data. The project is ongoing.
23 Kairos Minerals Early Insight Analysis and Scoping Study Announced scoping study before Christmas 2024. Created approximately 50 models and actively explored scenario analysis.