Sensitivity Analysis
take decisions with confidence
Get a feel for how robust your project is at all times - the comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis is always up to date and zero seconds are spent on creating it.
Traditional Approach: go through a laborious process of creating the sensitivity analysis in a spreadsheet
A lot can go wrong in spreadsheets when it gets complicated and it’s also really time consuming to set it up. Often, late changes in the model are then forgotten to be updated in the sensitivity analysis.
The NPV ONE Advantage
With NPV ONE, a comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis is provided automatically and it is up to date all the time. There is zero time spent on creating the analysis. NPV ONE runs 89 simulations in order to provide all the data and it only takes a few seconds.

In NPV ONE there is no error, so decisions can be taken with confidence

Zero seconds effort is spent on the creation of the Sensitivity Analysis